Thursday, February 10

Saying Goodbye

Well, it is finally time.  I've been putting off writing this last post ever since I told you last month that I was taking an indefinite sabbatical from Pink Tea.  As much as I know it is time to do it, it's still been hard writing this last post.

The last year has been an amazing opportunity.  Thank you for all your thoughts and support.  I have loved writing and sharing my projects with you all.  The blogging community has been such a blessing as I have felt inspired by so many of you.  I hope that Pink Tea has offered you a place to rest and replenish as it has me.

To close this out, I will share with you my newest adventure... the start of something new as I take a break from something old.  So even though I will not be blogging, I look forward to continuing creating as I finally tackle a resolution that has been on my list for a long time... sewing.  2011 will be my adventure as a beginner seamstress.  So here are a few photos of that adventure (and for those of you who can sew, please forgive an amateur)...
A Simple Top

For the Girly Girl
(or as my daughter refers to it... her "Barbie Fashion Fairytale outfit")
Freezer Paper Stenciled Shirt (Source: Creative Mommas)
Pink Bead Necklace and Bracelet

A Sportier Look
Freezer Paper Stenciled Shirt with Soccer Ball
Green Bandana Skirt (Source: Snips & Spice)
Green Bead Necklace

Thank you again for sharing in this adventure with me over the past year.  May you all be inspired daily.

Friday, February 4

Recap from the Year: Celebrating Boys

I confess... crafting for girls is so much easier.  But lest my son be left out, here is a recap of some of the boy projects from the year.

A little fun with my little man's wardrobe.  Looking back, it is hard to believe how the time has flown.  No more onesies now.  Featured here are his Mardi Gras onesie, the Guitar Man, and our ode to Dr Seuss.

And of course there were a few toys, including a felt sword for Christmas (new) and a his little taggie whale for Easter.

Really, I think I need to do more for my little man.  In fact, here are some of the ideas:
Anyone have any great boy ideas?