Monday, July 26

Embroidery Hoop Food Guards

I can't claim credit for this idea.  It came from the ever-fabulous Martha Stewart.  The only thing I can claim credit for is spray painting the hoops red to match my birthday party.  However, I am now a huge fan and will be using this for all outdoor gatherings.

Cost... minimal. Effort... minimal.  Keeping bugs off your food... priceless.

  • Embroidery hoops
  • Red spray paint
  • Cheesecloth
  • Remove the screw from the embroidery hoop
  • Spray paint both hoops, covering completely
  • Replace the screw
  • Cut two pieces of cheesecloth larger than the embroidery hoop.
  • Place the cheesecloth, double layered, between the two hoops and tighten until secure
It's that easy!


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [27 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

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