Sunday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

My Valentine's Day didn't quite come together as planned.  It is amazing how illness and a broken oven can impact things.  But in the end, it doesn't matter.  Afterall, I am still with the people I love.

May your Valentine's Day be filled with love!

And here are the links for some of the crafts from above:


  1. CJ,
    Love the sweet envelope! Cute idea. I made 4 teabags this weekend, and finished three cookies. I am going to put together a little tea set for my daughter's fourth birthday in a couple of weeks. Any chance you will post the brownie tutorial before then? I probably could figure it out, but some instruction wouldn't hurt either! Thanks again! Really enjoying your blog!!

  2. Julie... I am so glad that you are enjoying these tutorials. I will absolutely try to get the tutorial for the brownies up for you this week, maybe Friday. The supplies will be similar to the others... brown felt, pink felt (or whatever color you like), brown floss, dark pink floss, white floss, and cotton balls.

  3. Thanks, CJ! I am going to Joanne's later today to buy some more felt....I go through spurts like this...right now it is this felt food!! We have a 14 hour car trip coming up in two weeks, so I plan on doing much of it then. With five children under the age of 7 I don't have a ton of downtime during the day!

  4. I completely understand. I have been on a felt food kick since December. I originally made the brownies on a car trip during the holidays.

    If you're interested, I'll be posting a tutorial Tuesday on felt pancakes in honor of Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day.

  5. I am sure I will love it!! You got a good thing going!
