May I share with you the delight awaiting me under the Christmas tree this year... isn't it lovely. For those seamstresses among you, this might not mean much. But for a girl who has never learned to use a sewing machine (I never even took home economics), I am so excited. My husband gave me this to help me accomplish one of my long-term resolutions... learn to sew. I am so excited and have already begun trying out some super easy starter projects. Maybe I'll even share a few. And if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why.
Wait-You don't know how to sew??? YOu have so many projects, lol, I never noticed they weren't sewn....Hmmm-What about the stuff you made for Easter for the baby, you had to have used a sewing machine for that! Congrats on your new machine-you'll LOVE it!