Wednesday, March 24

Donuts, donuts, and more donuts

I can't believe that Easter is coming up so quickly.  I am definitely running behind in getting together goodies for the kids.  I decided this year that I wanted to make some homemade items for them, and you are welcome to come along on the ride.

I've already shared with you my obsession with Felt Food.  I am fighting the desire to make more cookies, though little spring sugar cookies would have been so cute.  Instead, I decided to tackle donuts.  I am a Dunkin' Donuts girl.  Thankfully, they aren't convenient to get to from our house so donuts are only an occasional treat (meaning we are in that part of town).  Now, though, we will have these calorie free alternatives to play with.

I wanted to make a diverse collection.  After all, who picks just one kind of donut?  You need the variety to keep things interesting.  That and I just like so many different types. 

For Easter, my daughter will be getting...
  • two donuts with chocolate icing and pink and green sprinkles (because pink and green matches her room)
  • one boston cream donuts (Mommy's favorite)
  • one chocolate glazed donut
  • and maybe a few more if I end up with some spare time before Easter
These are easy to make and easy to customize.

For this tutorial, I will be making the chocolate-iced donut with sprinkles.  To make the boston cream, just leave out the whole in the center and the sprinkles.  For the chocolate glazed, leave off the icing and the sprinkles.

  • Cream or light brown felt for the donut (mine is probably a little light for a donut)
  • Brown felt for icing
  • Pink and Green felt for the sprinkles
  • Pink and green embroidery floss
  • Cream embroidery floss (match to your donut-colored felt)
  • Batting (not cotton balls)
  • Scissors
  • Card stock for making a template
  • Pins
  • Needle
  1. Find two objects to trace for your donut template.  I chose a mug for the outside and a coin for the inner hole.  Trace the objects on your cardstock and cut out as a template.
  2. Pin your template to your cream felt and cut out shape.  Repeat.  You should have two donut pieces.
  3. Pin your template to the brown felt and cut out shape.  Unpin and trim slightly in an irregular manner (i.e. making it a little wavy like icing).
  4. Cut out small squares of pink and green felt as sprinkles.
  5. Now, there are two ways to attach the icing.  You can stitch the icing down directly (in which case you need floss to match the brown).  However, in this case I stitched the icing down through the sprinkles.  Starting with the pink, stitch the squares of pink on top of the icing in a random pattern.  When you get all the way around, knot off the embroidery floss.  Repeat with the green.
  6. Place the donut pieces together with the wrong sides (i.e. the icing side) facing each other. 
  7. Stitch around the center circle, either via sewing machine or via a basic back-stitch.
  8. Turn the donut inside out.
  9. Using the blanket stitch, begin sewing the outside edge.  You can sew all around except for a small section and then stuff with batting.  However, I found it easier to periodically stop stitching, stuff the completed portion, and then resume.  Once you have about an inch left, finish stuffing the donut to your desired level and then stitch the donut closed.  Knot off your thread and you are done.

That is it.  Now have fun and explore your own options.  And please feel free to share your variations.

This project is linked to:


  1. CJ, It has been awhile since the last time you made something. You know I was just thinking of making donuts myself, this is a great idea. I will try it but will add beads to mine I like beads. You know what else I did for Easter that is good, you remember the green eggs well I made regular eggs, meaning white and yellow felt ones. The stuffed them in the plastic eggs they sell for Easter, so kids may pretend the actually crack the egg and have an egg come out. Sort of silly but fun for small kids. You should see their little eyes when the egg pops out. Hope we can come up with more stuff. You know I was thinking of a pie I would not know how to start one do you have an idea? Hmm might be good for the Winter Holidays don't you think. Well for the kids you know what I mean and who says we can not play



  2. They look excellent. I am totally craving a donut now. Curses!

  3. You've got a great blog here & lots of good ideas for tots. I've got a MckLinky party called Tot Tuesday. I hope you'll stop by link up:

  4. You've got a great blog here & lots of good ideas for tots. I've got a MckLinky party called Tot Tuesday. I hope you'll stop by link up:

  5. Visiting from New Friend Friday even though I have been following you for a while. I LOVE the donuts!!!

  6. Stopping over from New Friend Friday! I really like your blog! And the Felt cute! I am a new fallower :)

  7. I hopped over from New Friend Friday and am so happy that I did. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week! until later...

  8. I love felt stuff! Donuts are especially fun! Thanks for the tutorial!!! Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh oh I'll take he cream filled! How fun :)

  10. Oh my! Those are adorable!! My kids would love those. I need to try my hand at felt food. :)

  11. Those are so fun! They look good enough to eat!

  12. I love your donuts.. I made my grandsons some felt food also.. check out my blog..

